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When you are looking for personalized breastfeeding support, we are the provider you need. Our professional team of board-certified lactation consultants is equipped to handle a comprehensive range of breastfeeding issues. ​


You can be assured – we have a commitment to excellence when it comes to the level of care we provide.

In-home Lactation Consultations

Our lacation consultations provide the support and help you need to work toward your breastfeeding goals in the comfort and privacy of your own home. Find information on consult costs on the Fees & Payment page.


The initial consultation is typically 1- 1.5 hours in length and includes:


  • Thorough lactation-related history

  • Physical assessment of breasts and infant oral anatomy

  • Weight assessment

  • Observation and assistance with at least one complete feeding including pre- and post-feeding weights for accurate measurement of baby's intake

  • Development of individualized plan of care to address your specific breastfeeding goals

  • Reports to your primary physicians for increased continuity of care among all healthcare providers

  • Continued telephone follow-up related to the established issues as needed after the visit

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In-home Postpartum Care 

The fourth trimester is a season of joy and wonder as you welcome the arrival of a new life into your family. The birth of your new baby (or babies) is the culmination of so many dreams you have had for so long, and bringing him or her home is a moment you have awaited for many months. The crib is ready, the diapers are stacked neatly on the changing table, and the tiny clothes are washed and ready for use.


Along with all of your excitement, however, come a few other feelings ... like how do I care for this tiny little being who is completely dependent on me? How do I balance feeding and changing and loving this little one with doing the laundry, cooking meals, and cleaning the kitchen? And could someone please let me take a nap?


With a certified postpartum doula, the goal is to come alongside you as you make this major transition into parenthood (or into the life with an additional child) as smooth and joyous as possible by helping you learn how to care for your infant and assist with all of the household duties that cannot and should not be your focus during this season.


From caring for your baby so you can rest to folding laundry and preparing dinner, a postpartum doula's job is to make the 4th trimester one you will enjoy and remember as a sweet time with your baby.


Highlights of postpartum doula care:

Mother care

  • Time to rest, bathe, rejuvenate

  • Information on proper nutrition

Infant Care

  • Basic assistance with feedings (breastfeeding or formula)

  • Diapering

  • Swaddling

  • Bathing

  • Resources on infant behaviors, soothing techniques

Light housekeeping

  • Laundry

  • Dishwasher Loading/ Unloading

  • Vacuuming and Sweeping

  • Wiping down kitchen and bath

  • Nursery organization

Meal preparation

  • Preparing healthy snacks for mom

  • Preparing simple meals based on family needs and preferences

Grocery shopping/ light errands​

  • See Postpartum Doula Agreement for limits of practice

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Craniosacral Fascial Therapy Sessions

Craniosacral Fascial Therapy, based on the Gillespie Approach, is a gentle therapy aimed at releasing tight connective tissue in newborns, potentially caused by birth traumas. This therapy focuses on correcting the craniosacral fascial system to improve overall health and prevent long-term issues.


Benefits for Infants

CFT can help with:

  • Feeding difficulties

  • Lip and Tongue Ties

  • Reflux and Colic

  • Sleep and Stiffness issues

  • Torticollis and Distorted Head Shape

  • Swallowing Problems and Cranial Nerve Dysfunction

These issues often arise from fascial strains during fetal development, labor, and delivery. Addressing these early can lead to significant improvements.


The Gillespie Approach

Developed by Dr. Barry Gillespie, this approach targets the craniosacral fascial system, aiming to alleviate the pressures caused by physical and emotional traumas, thus supporting the body's overall function and health.


Session Information

Initial Consultation: Involves birth history review, physical assessment, and care plan development.

Follow- Up Care: Tailored sessions to continue therapeutic progress.


Why Choose CFT for Your Newborn?

Our specialized approach offers a gentle, effective way to address and prevent conditions affecting your newborn's health and development from the start.


Giving your child a healthier, balanced beginning.


Infant CPR & Choking Classes

A community based class. ​This Infant CPR and choking course is a non-certification class specific to the care of those under a year old.


It follows the American Heart Association Family and Friends guidelines. The course includes video and hands-on practice.


To optimize the learning experience, we ask you to please not bring your little ones.


There will be a community class and private, in-home classes for up to 5 couples (coming soon).


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